Building Your Business in BigLaw
It’s true. Not every attorney “gets” marketing and self-promotion. Those attorneys who do are usually not thrilled about putting them into action. It isn’t why you signed up to be a lawyer, but it needs to be done. So, how do you get started when you know it must be done and the other partners are reluctant (or downright refuse) to help and support you? Great question!
Start slowly
Start with small things that you know how to do without a huge learning curve. One day at a time. Check out our step by step process of how to market yourself and generate revenue. This way, you can start marketing without outside financial help. Also, you’ll probably do these things so quickly that no one will realize you’re not doing your “real” job of helping clients.
Keep track of your progress
Keep a marketing journal of everything you do and the date on which you did them. After several weeks, you’ll begin to see some results, and you want to know which of your efforts actually produced the results. No sense wasting time on things that don’t work. You want to concentrate on things that help grow your book of business.
After you start seeing results, it’s time to put them into a report and show the partners. You can prove to them that your efforts are working. You’ll be amazed how quickly their attitudes change when they see how much money marketing and networking can bring in to the firm!
Be persistent
It’s true that marketing doesn’t always result in immediate success. Sometimes, your efforts will take awhile to show results. That’s OK. Since you’re tracking progress, you’ll appreciate the little steps and you can see what is working and what isn’t. Stick to a schedule and treat marketing like it’s a second part of your job. You will see results eventually. Make sure you give your efforts enough time to reap rewards!
Need more help? Contact us! We know that bringing business can be overwhelming, and we’re here to help!